Monday, August 14, 2006

How to Poo on the Tundra

Step 1: Acquire permit. No, really! Our research permit details specific requirements for latrine construction.

Step 2: Scout appropriately wind-swept tundra location. ( windy is good: keeps the bugs away). Preferably, choose a previously-disturbed site. Since most of this area has been drilled at one point or another as part of the explorations, finding disturbed sites is not hard. Actually, most of our "yard" at the Doris Lake weather haven is disturbed.

Step 3: Assemble implements. Trowel, ziplocs... you get the idea.

Step 4: Dig hole.

Step 5: Dig new hole. Our attempts to dig a multi-use latrine were foiled by permafrost. I dug a lovely 2' deep pit; by early the next morning, it had filled with water. Stupid tundra bog.

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